Fat Loss Lie #1

You need supplements to lose fat.

Exercise, nutrition and the proper mental attitude (positive self-image) are the only things you need to lose fat permanently. Supplements are not a requirement. Some basic supplements are helpful for “nutritional insurance,” and some supplements can help speed up the fat loss process a little, but not nearly as much as the advertising leads you to believe.

Even supplements that have been proven effective are only responsible for a small fraction of the results you achieve. Based on 20 years of experience in bodybuilding and fitness, I believe that at least 97% of your results will come from good training and good nutrition.

If most of your results come from nutrition and training, then why would you chase after that last 3% “edge” if you haven’t even maximized the first 97%? Isn’t that approach completely backwards?


Believe it or not, advanced trainees, competitive bodybuilders or athletes will probably benefit more from using supplements than beginners. High level athletes are more likely to have "maxed-out” their training and nutrition programs. Their diets are impeccable. Their training is intense. Their discipline is unwavering.

Once you've reached a high level of development from intelligent, intense, methodical training and quality nutrition, and the closer you get to your ultimate genetic potential, the slower your progress will become. Progress can and will continue indefinitely, but as you reach higher levels of achievement, this is when supplements and other “minor” details make the most difference.

In world-class athletics, competitions can be won or lost by hundredths of a second, a tenth of a point, a fraction of a pound, or a single judge’s opinion. The extra 3% that supplements might provide could be the difference between winning and losing.
Now look at the average beginner or intermediate: They're still eating junk foods and skipping meals. They're not even working out consistently. And what do they do FIRST? You guessed it; they immediately run out searching for a "shortcut" in the form of a pill or powder.

It's a shame that so many people look for easy ways instead of making the effort to learn how to eat and train better.

It makes no sense to dive into heavy supplementation first in hopes of finding an easier way. Get your nutrition and training in order and maximize the first 97%. Once your training and nutrition is on point, THEN, by all means, start nit-picking and sweating the small stuff: Take advantage of every legal, natural and ethical edge possible to help you fulfill 100% of your potential and gain a competitive advantage.

Respected exercise physiologist Dr. Tim Ziegenfuss of Kent State said, “Supplements should be the icing on the cake.” That’s a good way of looking at it. If anyone tries to convince you that supplements are essential and that you can’t reach your goals without them, beware; they are probably just trying to sell you something.

“Superior people never wish it were easier, they wish they were better!”
- Brian Tracy, Author of “Maximum Achievement”

(source: tom venuto newsletter burn the fat)

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